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Located in the very North of state of Ceará, the Methodist Church in Tauá is a happy and community conscious of their mission to the commandments of Jesus.

They want to go everywhere, spreading the Gospel and telling to all those surrounding them how great is our God!

While very friendly, the people from this area have many gods and religions. In addition, they suffer with the hot and dry climate, along with condtions of poverty and child exploration.


What they need:


  • Support to buy construction materials to construct a new temple.
  • Scholar materials for children.


Who is in charge:


Pr. Ivan Martins


Do you want to help or have a team?


Contact us and tell how you may bless this church.



Leia as informações da Igreja Metodista no Brasil. Uma comunidade de fé a serviço do povo. Missão, evangelização, amor e trabalho.


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Uma fé vibrante e um povo forte. Confira o trabalho desenvolvido no Nordeste brasileiro.

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Igrejas e Pastores

Pesquise também:

Versículo do Dia

Pois quem quiser salvar a sua vida, perdê-la-á; mas quem perder a sua vida por amor de mim, esse a salvará.

LUCAS 9.24

Boletim Eletrônico
Informe seu nome e e-mail para receber nosso boletim eletrônico.
Região Missionária do Nordeste
Rua Desembargador Góes Cavalcante, 331, Parnamirim - CEP 52060-140 - Recife - PE - Fone: 81 99758.6510
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